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[Book Review] Jasmine Builds on Shifting Sands: A Self-help Fiction

  I recently bought this book copy for a read and review. Name: [Book Review] Jasmine Builds on Shifting Sands: A Self-help Fiction Auth...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Looking forward to the weekend!

I've just started to head back from office. And again today i've
hitched a ride with a colleague who lives in the same side of town as
me (Navi Mumbai). I hope that i'll have a good weekend so that i
energize myself enough so as to return back to office on Monday all
charged up. By the way i've learnt that in sales it is very important
to return back week after week with positive outlook and a renewed
vigor. If one can't then he is not the natural choice for a sales job.
Energy and enthusiasm with luck are the ingredients for success in
sales. By the way this is what i gathered from my around 3 years in
sales. And i'm still learning. Hope that the learning never stops.
amen! On the flip side of things, it is raining very very hard. So
looks like the outing that i was planning over the weekend might not
happen as i'd not factored rains :-( My father always tells me that i
should let problems travel their full way before jumping head first
and trying to solve them. And then life moves on. :-)

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Laghu Sikarwar

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