Just bought a new Nokia N82 'with bill' from Alfa mobile store at Mumbai. I'm in awe of this phone. The more i use it the more it surprises me with its features.
But before i go all ga ga over it, i'll give a brief background.
I can safely call myself a Technology 'Enthusiast' if not an evangelist. I love to dwell into the technology 'things'.
Coming back to Nokia N82 and my self professed love for mobile phones. I've been researching since the past few months for a phone that has the best combination of features, speed and cost. I was always disappointed whenever i tried to take a ratio of price and features. Nothing matched my expectations. Then, like a bolt from the blue, i heard of the astonishing capabilities of the N82.
I readily moved ahead and scouted the world wide web for any information on this devil of a device. I must say i was disappointed. There was hardly anything called as a review. There were just product features lists everywhere (yes, the features certainly did impress me, but most important factor in any high end device apart from the features is its speed, an idea of the same is a must for technology fiddlers like me). Not one to be easily dissuaded, i continued my search for more info and was finally rewarded when from 'Gsmarena.com' decided to have a go at the device. I was delighted to read the reviews. They confirmed that the phone is as fast as it can be and is probably the fastest N series device out there. This news instead of quenching my thirst, added fuel to fire. I was left wanting more. I wanted the general user to vet this opinion of 'Gsmarena.com'. As it stands today, there were several people and several sites that tested the product and came out with a thumbs up for this device.

And moments later i find myself standing outside this shop in Mumbai to get this phone for myself. And, here i am writing about my experiences about this phone.
I will try try to put up a comprehensive summary of the research that i did on this phone. I will add my 'valuable inputs' as and when necessary.
Till then, i am busy exploring my Nokia N82.
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