signifies a usually brief state of excitement and mental confusion often accompanied by hallucinations. It involves sudden and severe mental or neurological changes. All the views expressed here have to be read keeping in view this state of me.
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[Book Review] Jasmine Builds on Shifting Sands: A Self-help Fiction
I recently bought this book copy for a read and review. Name: [Book Review] Jasmine Builds on Shifting Sands: A Self-help Fiction Auth...

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Devdutt Pattanaik: East vs west -- the myths that mystify
Monday, November 16, 2009
Twitter has taken me away from blogging

Yes, this is a fact.
I was never a prolific blogger. But, I managed to blog and write atleast 6-7 posts every month. Yeah, it certainly is nothing to brag about. Blogging was my way of expressing my thoughts and feelings to anyone, everyone or no one. I found that it helped satiate my creative cravings. And so I blogged.
Infact, I’ve become so addicted to tweeting now, that I find myself getting less and less time to blog.
But ever since I started tweeting I’m getting away from blogging. I was sitting and trying to find out the reasons behind this. It was then that I realized that all my tweets if clubbed together, will make a small blog. It just hit me then that ‘tweeting’ is nothing but blogging at micro-level.
But, I promise that tweeting or not, I’ll blog J